Avoid the insanity of the shopping mall and opt for a more civilized and entertaining was to shop this holiday season with your local Holiday Open House events, A traditional Holiday Open House event at local retail stores often feature festive holiday decorating, sales and specials, yummy snacks and sometimes drawings and other promotions. Sometimes the event is limited to an independent store and sometimes entire groups of stores in the same location get in on the act.
My favorite Holiday Open House is the one held every year at Mission Road Antique Mall. The entrance is decorated beautifully in all kind of wonderful sparkly holiday decorations, holiday music plays in the background, and several vendors set out plates of free cookies and candies. There are probably some sales and specials going on but I'm usually too busy scoping out the snacks and taking in the inspiring decorations to notice.
At Brookside's Holiday Season Opener participating stores get create their own unique brand of specials and holiday themed promotions. Not to be outdone, Park Place has their own holiday themed event complete with horse drawn carriages and carolers November 14. Many open house events are happening this weekend, so don't delay, get into the holiday shopping spirit today!
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