One of the problems with buying things online is the all too common threat of "porch pirates" stealing packages right off your entryway before you have a chance to pick up your package. You can call these thieves "porch pirates" or "package pirates", I just call them greedy and heartless. Luckily there are strategies that can prevent package pirates from stealing your delivered packages.
- Have the package delivered to an address where theft is not likely to be an issue. If your boss doesn't mind, you can have packages delivered to your place of work. I wouldn't recommend this if the package contains something potentially embarrassing like trashy lingerie or a book on dealing with difficult bosses and coworkers.
- Rent a mailbox at a business like Mailboxes and More. If you ship and receive lots of packages consider renting a mailbox from a business other than the Post Office. The Post Office is direct competition for other mailing services, so some of those services may refuse to ship to a Post Office box.
- When you purchase an item online choose the shipping option that requires a signature. Chances are your neighborhood porch pirate does not want your package badly enough to sign for it and have the driver being able to identify them to the police if you file a report for your stolen package.
- If most of your parcels are small and your really want to piss of the infamous porch pirates, invest in a theft resistant mailbox that includes a locked compartment especially designed for small packages like this Mail Boss 7506 Mail Manager Locking Security Mailbox, Black.
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