Even a Cheap Diva like yours truly can find it hard to save money after the bills are paid. To make it easier to save money I decided to accomplish at least 1 money saving task a week this summer until I run out of money saving ideas or am ridiculously rich. Saving a few bucks here and there may not sound like a worthwhile goal, but by the end of the summer all those money smart strategies could add up to some serious cash. Here are some of the money saving ideas I plan on doing this summer.
- I will eliminate a dead weight expense such as magazines subscriptions for mags I spent about 10 seconds browsing before tossing in the trash by cancelling my subscription. I will also buy fresh food in smaller quantities so it doesn't spoil before I have a chance to eat it.
- I will look for ways to eliminate any reoccurring fees - late fees, bank fees. I have already closed close out bank account that charged a monthly fee and it felt great!
- I will spend less on mail/shipping gifts for Fathers Day, birthdays etc. Lots of gifts can be mailed inside a card like a gift certificate to the recipients favorite store or restaurant, tickets to events and more.
- I will apply credit card points to pay for "fun" purchases. When I have points/cash deducted from my balance that covers the cost of a budget friendly indulgence like a DVD or book, it's like getting stuff for free!
- I will request library order books and movies I am interested in so I can enjoy them without buying them.
- I will make AAA/car insurance save me money on travel by looking into discounts, when renting a car or reserving hotel room.
- Here is the most important strategy. Have a purpose for saving money. By assigning a specific goal to the saved money such as paying down credit card debt, building up a savings account, or treating yourself to a "fun" purchase without going for broke you know where the money is going and it's less likely to disappear on mindless spending.
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