After misplacing a credit card bill under a pile of paperwork and being hit with a hefty late fee, I realized that when it comes to saving money it would pay to be more organized. I have created a variety of strategies to stay organized that have paid off in both big and small ways. I now keep all my bills in one place until they are paid. The bills are kept in a box that also includes my checkbook and a book of stamps, everything I need to pay my bills is in the same spot.
No matter how small, late fees are a waste of money. I love checking out materials from the local library and I hate late fees. When I check out my books at the self checkout machine at the library it prints out a receipt. I use the library receipt as a bookmark for whatever book I am reading so I can see at a glance if I need to start speed reading to get the book back to the library on time.
Another money saving strategy I like is keeping all of my receipts in a coupon organizer. The organizer has dividers labeled with lettered tabs so I can file my receipts according to store names, receipts for Target are filed under T, receipts for Walmart are filed under W etc. Having all of my store receipts in one place makes it easy to find the right one when I need a certain receipt to return something to the store.
Many household items from electronics to home furnishings come with some kind of warranty. If your device suddenly died on you would you be able to find that warranty in a flash or would you have to launch a scavenger hunt and dig through piles of clutter to find that precious paperwork? To find those warranties faster, file them together in an easy to remember and easily accessible file folder labeled "Warranties".
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